Thursday, January 23, 2014

Doctor, Doctor, Gimme the News

I was in such a miserable mood for the better part of yesterday.  I don't know if it was because we didn't have a delay and I was really hoping for one, or if it was just due to massive amounts of stupidity I'm dealt every day.  I'm in a better mood today though, so yay.

I had an appointment with an orthopedist this morning, in hopes of figuring out why my upper back/neck hurts 24 hours a day, since ohhhh, 2008-ish.  He's sending me to physical therapy (shocker) so we'll see what that does for me.  Probably nothing, considering I sit in the same position for 8 hours a day, plus the 30 minutes I spend in the car twice a day, neither of which is helpful to the pain.  I'm really hoping I can just go a few times and try and replicate the exercises at home, because that shit is FREE.  Oh, and he did write me a prescription for an "ergonomically correct chair" for work, so there's that.

Last night for dinner, I made a recipe we saw over the weekend on The Sandwich King, and it was AH-MAZ-ING.  I didn't follow the recipe exactly, and I actually used smoked sausage instead, but whatever.  It was still delicious.

I also made a cheese sauce (from scratch, not the Velveeta he uses in his recipe...I have a weird thing about buying fake cheese), which you'll see here, drizzled over the frozen waffle fries I spent lots of time and effort on.
Miah has been asking me to make these little egg cups, so we made those last night too.  They turned out pretty good overall, I just wish I would've chopped up the monstrous mushrooms beforehand.  It was nice being able to throw one into the microwave this morning for 30 seconds and BOOM breakfast!

Happy hour with the potential carpooler is tonight, so I hope she's not weird and/or a serial killer.  That would really be a bummer.

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