Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Best Husband Award

So, something awesome happened last night.  I came home from work and volleyball to dinner already made!  Miah made chicken stir fry and it was SO good.  He even took pictures like a good little blog husband.

I have to referee another volleyball game tonight, and I can't say I'm really looking forward to it.  People acted like jerks last night during the match, and I was just super annoyed with the whole thing.  The problem is that players have been doing whatever they want ALL season long, since our regular games are not refereed.  Don't look at me like that for calling a blatant carry on your ass.  I'M THE REFEREE.  I totally pulled that card last night and blew my whistle.  BOOYAH.

On another note, traffic was a big cluster-eff this morning.  There were accidents on virtually every route into the city.  I, however, was a smart girl and took my super-secret back way to work, and it was heavenly.

Don't worry, I slowed down to take this picture and then tweet it.

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