Friday, July 19, 2013

Shits and Giggles Friday

Has this not been the longest week in the history of ever?  Maybe it's just because it was my first week back from vacation, coupled with my insane evening schedule, but I'm ready for about 983778892 glasses of wine.  SPEAKING OF, I'm super excited for this weekend because we're going to Nissley for their summer concert series tomorrow night.  Wine + food + music + friends = all of my favorite things.


1. My alarm was set to go off at 7:20 this morning.  It had been going off for 14 minutes when I finally woke up at 7:34.  I have to leave my house at 7:45, in order to get to work on time.

2. I know it's pointless to complain about the weather, but SERIOUSLY.  Can it please just drop at least ten degrees or something?  This is ridic.

3. My house is an absolute MESS right now and it's driving me insane.  The problem is that this full-time job and rigorous extracurricular schedule keeps me from finding the time to do anything about it.  And oh, look, it's the weekend.  Where I probably won't actually FEEL like doing any of it.


1. Since I was already going to be late for work, I stopped at Sheetz for breakfast a chili dog.  When I picked up my bag o'food, I realized they gave me TWO hot dogs instead of only one - SCORE!

2. After this week's matches, our volleyball team hit 100 points in the standings.  Go team, Dinks and Drinks!

3. I ordered from my favoritest place downtown for lunch today, Arepa City, and it was everything I'd hoped and dreamed it would be.  I could easily eat there every day of the rest of my life.

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