For some reason, today doesn't really feel like Friday. I'm obviously thrilled that it is, but I just don't have that WOO IT'S FRIDAY feeling. Perhaps it's because I've been so miserable all week.
- I'm so sick being cold. And furthermore, I'm sick of spending money out the ass to simply not freeze to death. I hate oil.
- It's supposed to snow again on Sunday, during which time I'll probably be a #snowplowwidow. Let's make that a trending hashtag. Go.
- I'm getting my hair done tomorrow by my BFF Heather, and I am SO freaking excited about it. I've been wondering how long it would be until I could pull off these roots as an "ombre" look. (The answer is never.)
- I have my second PT appointment after work today, and I'm looking forward to it. I've been doing my weird neck exercises religiously all week, so I hope he sees a little bit of improvement, and teaches me some other weird stuff I can do all day while sitting at my desk.
- I made chicken alfredo last night for dinner, and it was downright amazing. I had originally planned to use a jar of Prego alfredo sauce, but I opened it, and it kind of smelled like nacho cheese. It was certainly "not-my-cheese" [ba-dum-ch...get it?!] that I wanted to serve to my family over perfectly seasoned chicken and al dente fettucine. So I made this go-to sauce I discovered a little while ago, which is so so so good. I need to remember to halve the recipe next time though because it made way too much.
Welp, that's really all I have to complain and rejoice about today...
Snow Plow Widow LOL