Friday, January 17, 2014

Shits and Giggles Friday

My favorite day of the work-week has finally decided to show its face!  Definitely looking forward to this three-day weekend and trip out of town ahead of me. 


- I really wish it were acceptable to wear a football jersey to work.  Instead, I have to settle on wearing blue, orange, and white, and have people probably thinking that I got dressed in the dark.

- I had every intention of getting up early this morning and using the elliptical, however, that did not happen.  I will now spend the rest of the day thinking, "I'll do it after work when I get home!" and then when that time comes, I will instead sit on the couch and drink a beer.

- One of duties at work is to manually update "employee history cards."  WITH A MOTHER-EFFING TYPEWRITER.  As it is the beginning of the new year, consequently, I will spend most of my day updating approxmiately 400 employee cards with their new salary.  It actually makes me physically ill to complete this task. 

My fingers are glued to my typewriter said no one ever in 2013!

- I've been using the MyFitnessPal app since the beginning of this week, in an effort to fit into my work clothes a little more comfortably.  Here's how I did, in reference to how many calories I had remaining at the end of each day:

Monday = -3
Tuesday = -600 (perhaps because I had a cheesesteak and fries for lunch)
Wednesday = -207
Thursday = -426

In the words of the MassAcoustics, I'm an Underacheiver...


- The Broncos are playing in the AFC Championship this Sunday.  The last time they were here was in January 2006, when they lost to the eventual Super Bowl champs, the Steelers.  Please say a small prayer that Peyton can beat Brady and make it to the big game for the first time since the 1998 season.

- Next week, I'm meeting with a potential carpooling buddy.  Not because I'm super green or anything, but mostly because I'm poor and gas is expensive.  I was glad that she was receptive to my idea of meeting for happy hour instead of coffee, so we at least have THAT in common.

Funny Confession Ecard: I don't trust people who don't drink.
- I am SO beyond excited to give Miah his anniversary gift tomorrow!  I usually am the worst at gift-giving when it comes to him, mainly because I know he's going to outshine me anyways, but I feel like I did pretty well on this one.
- I've been reading Orange is the New Black over the past few weeks, and it's quite entertaining.  Also, I would never survive in prison.
- We're going for dinner tonight at one of my favorite local places, the Boro.  I'll probably order a salad a dozen wings and cheese fries.
Welp, have a great weekend, kids - peace out, homeskillets!


  1. Haha, My Fitness Pal would always get so angry with me. I would just see negative and angry-looking red numbers. On St. Patrick's Day, I (drunkenly) just put in -5000 in the "quick add" section, with a :-(.
    Needless to say, it was not an effective weight loss tool for me.

    And I'm on the waiting list for that book at the library! I am so obsessed with the show.

    Have fun this weekend!

  2. I'm actually terrified to even log any "real" numbers this weekend since we're going away, AND I'll be watching football all day Sunday, where I have a tendency to put down several beers and have no control over it. Should be fun!
