Friday, September 13, 2013

Shits and Giggles

It's Friday!  I've been neglecting my promise of weekly Shits and Giggles.  Oops.


- Someone almost hit me while I was backing out of the driveway this morning.  Our house is situated at the bottom of a hill, right before a stop sign, but also after a sign that indicates a speed of 25 MILES PER FREAKING HOUR.  Not 50.

- Do not stand directly in front of the elevator door while waiting for it to arrive.  I think I'm going to start walking out of the elevator with my fist straight out in front of me to teach them a lesson.

- I hate being busy at work on a Friday.  I just want to go home.  How this differs from any other Friday, I don't know, but I just have an extra urge today.


- I had sushi for dinner last night and it was spectacular.  Twix also enjoyed some of the tuna.

- We have big plans of running errands tonight after work, and I'm really excited about it.  A trip to the Sharp Shopper is in order, our snack supply is running low, and I know that I can get 32 snack-sized bags of chips for $10.  That is what we call a deal, friends.

- Tomorrow, we have tickets to the Vineyard at Hershey's Merlot Release Party, so I'll basically be drinking from noon to 6 PM.  Should be fun.

Welp, I do believe I'll take a nap for the remainder of my lunch hour...nighty night, kids.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Best Husband Award

So, something awesome happened last night.  I came home from work and volleyball to dinner already made!  Miah made chicken stir fry and it was SO good.  He even took pictures like a good little blog husband.

I have to referee another volleyball game tonight, and I can't say I'm really looking forward to it.  People acted like jerks last night during the match, and I was just super annoyed with the whole thing.  The problem is that players have been doing whatever they want ALL season long, since our regular games are not refereed.  Don't look at me like that for calling a blatant carry on your ass.  I'M THE REFEREE.  I totally pulled that card last night and blew my whistle.  BOOYAH.

On another note, traffic was a big cluster-eff this morning.  There were accidents on virtually every route into the city.  I, however, was a smart girl and took my super-secret back way to work, and it was heavenly.

Don't worry, I slowed down to take this picture and then tweet it.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Weekend Recap

What a weekend.  Basically every second of every day was jam-packed with something going on.  Friday, I got off at 3, which was delightful, and meant that I could sit at my co-worker's pool with a drink and some yummy food.  The weather was great, I kind of wish I could've sat there all day.

Saturday, we had a wedding to attend, which meant as soon as we woke up that morning, we needed to hit the outlets to find outfits for both of us, because every time we have an event, we both feel the need to buy new clothes.  Normal.  I think we did pretty good, however, on our selections.

The ceremony was outside, and it was HOT.  Thankfully, the reception was indoors, and they had the AC crankin'.  The rest of the wedding was only okay for me.  The food was meh, the DJ was awful, and the mixed drinks were super weak, and not free.  After the reception, we went to our friends' house for a little, but were still home by 10 since we were exhausted and sick of being in our wedding clothes.

I had high hopes for the wine festival on Sunday, but I'm pretty sure I'll never go again.  There were way too many tickets sold for the amount of space and wine vendors that were set up.  They really need to take a page from every other beer/wine festival in the world, and do two sessions, limiting ticket sales so those that attend can actually enjoy themselves instead of waiting in line for the entire day.  The event went from 1 to 6 PM, but we left around 4:45, since we were hot, miserable, and bored. 

It was nice being home at a reasonable hour on Sunday, and we just laid around on the couch all night.  It was awesome.  My mom and sister came over on Monday, and we christened our new deep fryer with fries and wings.  I regret not taking a picture because they were SO good.

After all that was the weekend, another busy week is ahead of us.  Volleyball every night for me, whether it's refereeing or playing, and then it's Friday, when we're hosting Miah's dad and grandma for dinner.  I'm making the Pioneer Woman's chicken parm - yum!

I'm tired already, and it's only 9 AM on Tuesday.