Hey, Friday! Super happy you decided to show your face, missed ya. This week was a nice, relaxing change from the past few weeks - and it feels great to have gotten back to the gym. It's amazing how much that improves my mood for the day when I start it off with a workout. I don't mean to be one of those people, but this is my blog and I DO WHAT I WANT.
However, ironically enough, when I got home from the gym and did my Facebook morning run, my mom had posted this picture on my timeline last night - well played, Mom.
I think I'll start off with the Giggles this week, since I'm in a great mood for once.
1. I had a spectacular "music morning" - Rihanna's station on Pandora was on point, and I heard some early Britney (circa 1998) on the way to work, as well as the album version of The Freshman on the Lithium Sirius station, which might be my favorite grunge 90s song ever (if that's a thing to have one of those).
2. I baked last night. This is a huge deal.
Peach cobbler - there were exactly 7 ingredients, which is right up my alley. |
3. Speaking of food, the Asian marinade I used on the chicken thighs the other night was bangin'. Here's the rough recipe...you really can't screw up a marinade:
1/4 - 1/2 cup soy sauce
2 T brown sugar
2 t ground ginger
1/4 cup veg/canola oil
a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce
1 T rice vinegar
a few shakes of garlic powder and black pepper
4. Am I the only person over 17 that hopes for a red light while driving so that I can properly take a selfie with my iPhone? Because I totally snapped a perfect one on my way to work today, might be my new profile pic, haaayyyyy.
1. I ordered sushi last night at 9 PM (totally necessary), and they gave me TWO sets of chopsticks with my order. This is not the first time this has happened.
2. I forgot my wallet today. Thankfully I have a baller BFF that works in my building and is going to buy me lunch so I don't starve. Thanks, Laura (formerly known as Wasabi Sauce)!
3. Trying to squeeze into a pair of skinny pants straight out of the dryer might have been harder than my actual workout this morning.
I'm SO looking forward to tomorrow - floating down the river with some of my favorite people, and a big ass drink in my hand? I think I'm gonna have myself a nice little Saturday. I might go to Bed, Bath and Beyond in the morning, I don't know if there'll be enough time. (I hope to GOD somebody gets that reference.)